Where do turtles have star-bellies and nest in the day? The Seychelles!
Rachel Wyatt - MCS Water Quality Programme Manager.
Having spent the last seven years working for the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) in the UK, I couldn't pass up the chance to meet up with MCS Seychelles (MCSS) while visiting these beautiful islands. With a team of only seven staff members, it's not surprising that like us they welcome volunteers and I'm honoured to be one of them for my time here.
It didn't take long to meet the locals! At the Banyan
Tree Rehabilitation Centre I was introduced to their resident Yellow-bellied
Mud and Black Mud (or sometimes known as Star-bellied) turtles. They are the
two species of terrapins found on the Seychelles, and while they may not be
marine turtles, they can be found just behind the beaches here in freshwater
wetlands and are both critically endangered. With their natural habitat being
threatened by developments, pollution and invasive species it's no surprise
that their numbers have declined. Luckily for them, MCSS have set up a
programme to monitor their numbers and protect them.
First day on the job we headed out to the remote beaches
of South Mahe to check some traps that the team had already put out in the
wetlands in an area earmarked for a new tourist resort - and as if to prove
that they really are rare, after checking around a dozen traps, we
unfortunately hadn't caught any!

The following day and back on the terrapin project, I saw
first hand how the latest technology was being put into use by using drones to
photograph wetlands to create habitat maps.
Again the wetlands are potential
sites for developments and the team are hoping to find the areas which are
important for the terrapins so that they can hopefully be retained and
disturbance minimised.
We also caught a very cute juvenile terrapin back at the centre - smaller than the palm of my hand!
Another day and more beaches that need to be checked for
signs of new turtle activity. We found some more new tracks on the beach but
this time we couldn't find any evidence that she had made a nest - maybe put
off by the dry sand or natural debris on the part of the beach she had chosen.
We dug several nests which had recently hatched, two were very successful and
we only found empty shells but the last was a bit of a mixed bag, over 90 eggs
had hatched but a further 50 hadn't developed properly. Seven hatchlings hadn't
made it out of the nest, stuck under roots blocking their exit - luckily for them
we dug the nest soon after the main hatch and we were able to help them out. It
was great to watch them make their way happily over the stretch of sand to the
sea and take their first strokes into the torquoise blue water. Hopefully some
of them will return to nest one day and will find the beach as welcoming a
nesting site as their mother did.
It's not all about playing with turtles though - today we
spent the morning removing water hyacinths from the wetland. This invasive
aquatic plant species spreads at an alarming rate. It's hot work, but it feels
good to do something practical to help improve the terrapins habitat.
Even though I have been here a very short time, and have
come at the end of nesting season, I have seen lots of evidence of breeding
Hawksbill's here and areas where terrapins have found a refuge. But like most
places they are under constant pressure, whether it's from habitat loss,
invasive species or sometimes poaching. But I have seen a strong desire to
conserve the turtles on Mahe. Most beaches are patrolled and monitored for
turtle activity, whether by MCSS or one of the other organisations on the
island. Even though I am told that the beaches have begun to be more heavily
developed over the last few years I can see that when they are developed there
are rules which help to limit the impact on the beach - the wetlands unfortunately
seem to be more heavily impacted. But hopefully with information gathered by
organisations like MCSS their impact in the future can be reduced.
Tomorrow I will go on my last turtle patrol, can't wait
to see what we find!
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